Saturday, July 23, 2011


Bonjour, parents!
Welcome to Greenhill’s 2011 Fancy Nancy Camp!
Can you believe that it is finally time for our week-long Fancy Nancy Soiree? Ooh-la-la!…I am absolutely delighted that you and your little diva have chosen to join us! Every fancy girl loves to be prepared, so I am writing you this letter to give you information about our fabulous camp.

Course:      Fancy Nancy
Dates:        July 25- July 29
Time:         9:00-3:00
Room:        EC 804
Hostess : Teresa Nichols
(I’m really the camp instructor, but doesn’t “hostess” sound so much fancier? :)
A  Little About Me: For the past ten years, I have been teaching children at Rowlett Elementary. I am a Kindergarten teacher and this year I was honored to be chosen as Teacher of the Year! I have been teaching summer camps at Greenhill for ten amazing summers. I have a four year old little girl, named Mylie, and she is the diva in my life. Mylie and I love to read together and we both fell in love with Fancy Nancy the very first time we read one of her books together.
Thanks to Fancy Nancy, I’ve watched my daughter’s passion for books grow and her vocabulary blossom. What more could a mother ask for in a children’s book series? The mommy in me is ecstatic. The teacher in me needs to share this treasure with as many children as possible. I am very passionate about creating a Fancy Nancy Camp for your little girl that is super exciting, educational and unforgettable.
Fancy Nancy’s Celebrity Guests Include…
Fancy Saxon Moseley
Fancy Myriam Fabian
Fancy Ellie Smale
Fancy Evelyn Wilfong
Fancy Callie Woodchek
Fancy Ava Burke
Fancy Sydney Magennis
Fancy Sophia Bock
Fancy Ella DeWitt
Fancy Lilly Simons
Fancy Marina Richard
Fancy Lauren Brown
Fancy Chloe Kim
Fancy Jenna Travers
Fancy Dylan Johnson
Fancy Ella Jerrier
What to Bring:
1.    A Pair of Comfortable Shoes for Outside Play (Dress-up shoes are of course welcome in the classroom)
2.    Sunscreen (Please apply before camp begins)
3.    Water Bottle
4.    An Extra Set of Clothes (Just in case of accidents)
5.    (2) Small Snacks and a Lunch (No Peanuts)

·       If your daughter has any Fancy Nancy related toys/items that she would like to bring to add to our fun, please feel free to send them.
·       Please label EVERYTHING with your child’s name so that it will not be confused as someone else’s.
·       I completely encourage coming dressed in our fanciest play clothes each day. When choosing clothes, keep in mind that art gets messy. Please only send her in clothes that you are comfortable with her getting a bit dirty. Even we Fancy Girls need to get our hands dirty sometimes.

I am including our daily schedule in this letter so that you might have an idea of what an average day in Fancy Nancy’s world is like. As a teacher, I feel that it is important to adjust each new summer camp to meet the needs and interests of the children attending. So…the times listed are very flexible and will change depending on wherever our imaginations take us!
9:00-9:30            Superstars Arrive
9:30-10:00          Group Time
(Morning Welcome, Read a Fancy Nancy Book, Introduce Today’s Theme)
10:00-10:30        Morning Tea Party (snack)
10:30-11:00        Playground
11:00-11:30        Favorite Fancy Words Lesson/Art Project
11:30-12:00        Mrs. Devine’s Daily Etiquette Lesson
12:00-12:30        Lunch
12:30-1:00          Story Time/ Dramatic Play
1:00-1:30            Art
1:30-2:00            Fashion 101
2:00-2:20            Collaborative Art
2:20-2:45            Afternoon Snack, Playground
2:45-3:00            Story/ End of Day Closure
3:00                     Children need to be picked up in our classroom and signed-out. Extended Day campers will be escorted to the appropriate Extended Day classroom.

Splash Day
Thursday morning will be our splash day. Some of the fun things we like to do out on our playground for splash day are:
·       Run through water sprinklers
·        Play at water tables
·       Blow bubbles
·       Slip and slide in shaving cream
·       Splash in baby pools
On Splash Day, your child will need to come to camp with her swim suit on under her clothes. Please send her with the following items on Thursday’s splash day:
·       Towel
·       Swimsuit (under clothes)
·       Sunscreen (applied before camp)
·       Large Plastic baggie (for wet swimsuit and towel)
·       Panties to put on after we take off our wet swimsuits.
Our Fancy Nancy Camp Blog:
This June, I decided to try something new… I figured out how to make a blog! For each camp I’ve taught this summer, I’ve created a camp blog to communicate and share with the families of my students.
·       Along with Summer on the Hill’s website and picture archives, I will be adding pictures and videos that we take of our Fancy Nancy Adventures online. I’ve set up a little blog just for us at
·        Our blog, and everything on it, will only be available to those with this direct link. I will be uploading pictures daily and document many of the fun things that we do so that you might share in this extraordinary experience with us.
·       There are links to fun Fancy Nancy games and websites on the blog for you and your child to check out.
·       There will even be daily questions for you and your child to interactively answer from home to earn prizes.
*Remember to check our blog daily. It is a great tool to help your little girl talk to you about all of the fun we have together.
(Hint: Grandparents love these blogs. Remember to send them a link.)

Contact Information:
Text (Cell)- (214) 682-7590
Whenever we leave the classroom, I leave notes on our door about where we will be. If you come early, and we are out of the room, just text me. J
Please feel free to contact me with any questions/concerns that your might have.
   See you Monday,
  Teresa Nichols
  (The Ever So Devine…Miss Tree)

1 comment:

  1. It will be a great week! Love the blog. Looks like so much fun. Thanks! Evelyn's mom
