Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Our Explorer Extraordinaire Day

Bonjour! We had an incredible day of exploring, learning, creating and playing!

Today's featured Fancy Nancy books were Explorer Extraordinaire, Bonjour Butterfly, and Everyday is Earth Day.

We are such glamorous superstars that first a professional photographer came to take pictures of us early this morning, and then the paparazzi kept following us around to photograph us today.

Can you blame them?

We of course loved it! Whenever they showed up we did what superstars do... We posed and danced so that they could take our pictures!


Ooh la la! We look magnifique!!!

Those are our French words of the day.
Ooh la la means "look how wonderful".
Magnifique is French for "magnificent"!

Once we finally finished our fabulous photo shoots, we read Explorer Extraordinaire. It is a very "scientifically" educational book about insects and nature. Fancy Nancy taught us all about how to create our very own Explorer Club, so that's just what we did.
To have an Explorer Club, we must first do our scientific research.
With Fancy Nancy's help, Ms. Tree taught us all about the butterfly life cycle.

A mommy butterfly

makes an egg.

Out of the egg, hatches a little baby caterpillar!

The baby caterpillar eats...and eats....and eats.
When its tummy is super full, it's time for it to go to sleep.
So the baby caterpillar makes a Chrysilas (Isn't that a fancy word?!!-- "Chrysalis!")

And out of the chrysalis, emerges a BEAUTIFUL BUTTERFLY!
We used the butterfly (and her life cycle) to learn to observe with a hand lens.

Mrs. Devine's Daily Etiquette Lesson was "nature etiquette".

Soon it was time to go on our big nature hunt to explore the extraordinary world around us! As great explorers do, we came well prepared.

We brought pencils, hand lenses and our explorer notebooks to record illustrations of our observations. (These are several of the big words that we learned today.)
Have you ever seen such a beautiful group of scientific explorers?!!!

We really took time to study the natural world around us.

We discovered that there were amazing things to learn about and observe everywhere we looked!

When we found something that we found interesting, we recorded it into our explorer notebooks by drawing illustrations. Some of us even added labels.

We observed flowers...

We observed ants and worms...

We observed large fish swimming below these beautiful lily pads...

...and we even observed peacocks!

These are the baby peacocks that most recently hatched at Greenhill. They are growing so fast!

Many of us found small treasures along the way to tape or glue into our explorer books.

After our outside exploration adventure was over...we happily returned to our air conditioned room!
Once we were cooled off and cleaned up, we learned today's Favorite Fancy Nancy Words. They were:
Ooh la la

This afternoon, we read Bonjour Butterfly.  Then we compared and contrasted a butterfly vs. a moth. Here is the Venn Diagram that we made to tell how they are alike and different:

Having spent a little time outside today, we got into a discussion about how hot it is outside. We decided that all fancy girls absolutely need something special to help keep them cool. So, for art today we made these fabulous fans!

Now we can stay cool in this intense Texas heat!

Our second art project was inspired by Bonjour Butterfly and the beautiful butterfly flying in our room.

We made these posh little butterflies to hang in our rooms at home.

Here is today's picture video:

It was a "magnifique" day!

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