Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Posh Puppy Day!

Today was Posh Puppy Day!
These adorable puppies all showed up early this morning at Fancy Nancy Camp to patiently await the arrival of our fabulously fancy girls.

Once all of the girls arrived (several bringing special puppies from home), we each chose puppies to spend the day with. Our story of the day today was of course...Fancy Nancy and the Posh Puppy!
The puppies and girls were all delighted to hear it.
We taught our puppies a bit of French that we learned yesterday, and then were all introduced to two new words- S'il vous plait (please) and De rien (you're welcome).

Our posh (that's a fancy word for fancy) puppies did EVERYTHING with us today.

They ate snack with us...

...and even joined us on the playground where many of us played "puppy hospital".
Our Favorite Fancy Words of the Day today were:
Gorgeous and Glamorous (we couldn't choose just one "G" word)

After a bit of vocabulary practice, it was time for art.
In our Morning Art Class we made

The drawbridges really open and close!

Behind each girl's drawbridge door is a real photograph (that's a fancy word for picture) of her and her posh puppy!
We had a lot of fun adding Fancy Nancy and puppy stickers to decorate our palaces.

After Mrs. Devine's Daily Etiquette Lesson on table manners, we enjoyed our delicious lunches with our posh puppies. Then, the time had finally come... It was time for our
Posh Puppy Fashion Show!!!

We spent quite awhile creating the perfect ensembles for our puppies to wear.

Our creative juices were flowing!

First there was a big photo shoot. The paparazzi photographed each of us with our posh puppy.

In the fashion show, each posh puppy and her fabulous girl were presented.

 Our puppies walked, danced, turned...down the runway to music as our audiences applauded and cheered and Ms. Tree described our amazing new looks!

By the time the fashion show was over, we were all quite proud of ourselves and of each other!

Next, it was time to put some of our magnifique designs on paper.

We each chose our favorite breed of puppy

...and then designed a new ensemble for it to wear.

Here two of us are visiting the inspiration table.

Our finished designs were absolutely stunning, darling!

For a final bit of puppy fun, we played a game called...
"Frenchy, frenchy, where's your bone?"

In Frenchy's fun game, one of us hid her bone. The person searching for it had to guess who was hiding it.
Here we are all pretending that we have it!

Oops, she must have looked suspicious:)

Can you find Frenchy's bone in this picture?

After a quick peek into Fancy Nancy's fancy emergency kit, it was time to go home.
Check out this posh mommy in her Spectacular Spectacles!

We even had a real posh puppy show up after most of us had gone to see how our posh puppy day had gone! I think she was quite impressed:)

Here are today's picture videos...

We are all looking forward to tomorrow's Explorer Extraordinaire Day!


  1. I just wanted you to know how fantastic this all looks! I have never been so informed about a camp. It really is wonderful, and my daughter is thoroughly enjoying herself. You are obviously a wonderful teacher!!!

  2. Thank you! I am so happy that you like it:) As a working mommy, I understand how hard it can be to miss out on so many special moments of your child's day. They need to have these big girl experiences, but most of us just wish we could keep them with us all of the time. Ususally by the time I get to see Mylie after work and ask her about her day, like most kids, she says she doesn't remember. I truly hope that this blog can help to fill in some of those missing moments for you and allow for you to see how much fun your baby girl is having with all of her new friends. (Teresa)
