Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Splash Day is Tomorrow!


Thursday will be our splash day. Some of the fun things that we like to do out on our playground for splash day are:
·       Run through water sprinklers
·        Play at water tables
·       Blow bubbles
·       Slip and slide in shaving cream
·       Splash in baby pools
On Splash Day, your child will need to come to camp with her swim suit on under her clothes. Please send her with the following items on Thursday’s splash day:
·       Towel
·       Swimsuit (under clothes)
·       Sunscreen (applied before camp)
·       Large Plastic baggie (for wet swimsuit and towel)
·       Panties to put on after we take off our wet swimsuits.
**Please make sure that everything (towels, swimsuits, watershoes, panties, clothes...) is labeled. It helps so much to avoid confusion and items from becoming lost when we are all changing clothes at once!

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