Thursday, July 28, 2011

Splash Day!

Today was SPLASH DAY!

This morning we were super excited to get outside and play in the water.
So, we went out as soon as we could.

Splash Day...HERE WE COME!

At our Splash Day, we played at the water table...

Splashed in the swimming pools...

Ran through the sprinklers...

...and let ourselves get sprayed by them!

We played with bubbles...
...and tried to pop them!

We even slid in shaving cream down the Slip-N-Slide.
(Here is Ms. Jamie showing us how to do it!)

We caught on quickly...

It was super fun covering ourselves (and each other) in shaving cream!

There were so many fun things for us to do!

The teachers had as much fun as we did!

Inspired by today's story Ooh La La! It's Beauty Day, we played beauty shop to clean off.
Everyone pretended that we were having our hair washed at the beauty salon.
It was the most Spectacular Splash Day ever!
We were absolutely famished after so much fun, so as soon as we were all comfy in our regular, dry clothes, we "dined" together for lunch.

In French class today we learned to say:
Excusez-moi (Excuse Me)
Repondez s'il vous plait (RSVP= Please Answer)

In art we made beautiful, sparkly, magical wands 

Today's Favorite Fancy Words were:
Repondez s'il vous plait

After discussing the word "souvenir", we made treasure boxes. We are each going to put a special souvenir into our new treasure box to always remind us of our fabulous week together at Fancy Nancy Camp!

Today we also enjoyed working together to build roller coasters for our marbles to race through!

 In Mrs. Devine's Daily Etiquette Lesson, we practiced an ever so elegant curtsy.

Here is today's magnifique picture video...

As our amazing day came to an end, Ms. Tree read us Spectacular Spectacles.
In this story, Bree (Nancy's best friend) tells her that she has a big surprise, but that Nancy must wait until tomorrow to find out what it is.
As the story ended, Ms. Tree told us that she has a big surprise for us, too!
Just like Nancy, we will find out tomorrow what it is!!!

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