Monday, July 25, 2011

Our Fabulous First Day!

Ooh la la...what a fabulous first day we had!

We met our divine teachers and so many new friends that also love to be fancy!
This is Jamie. She is a Sophmore at Greenhill and will be helping Ms. Tree this week...
(She was in Ms. Tree's summer camps back when she was our age!)

Today's featured stories were Fancy Nancy (the very first book) and Fancy Nancy Aspiring Artist.
While reading, we learned several new French words. We practiced saying "Bonjour" to say hi to our new friends and "Merci" to say thank you:)
A very special friend dropped in to meet us this morning. She thought we were so fancy, that she wanted to dress up, too! Doesn't she look so posh? (That's a fancy word for fancy.)

We went outside for a very short time (it is super hot) and discovered the water table! Mud pies and glamour...who knew?!!!

Today's Favorite Fancy Words that we learned and practiced were:
A- Accessories
B- Boa
C- Canine
D- Dapper
E- Excursion
F- Fiasco

Ms. Tree says that her favorite Fancy Nancy Book is Aspiring Artist. After reading it, we talked a bit about Master Artists. Then, she introduced us to the work of the Master Artist Kandinsky. Being "inspired" (that's another fancy word that we learned today) by his artwork...
We decided to recreate our own version of it.

Our piece turned out to be a complete MASTERPIECE just like Kandinsky's!

We of course made it a bit more "fancy" by painting it with all pinks and purples and adding lots of glitter!

We entitled it "Kandinsky Meets Fancy Nancy"!

In Mrs. Devine's Daily Etiquette Lesson, we read a bit of Fancy Nancy Tea Parties to learn about ensembles and table etiquette. Then, we had lunch and practiced our very best manners. Ms. Tree gave us toothpicks to make our sandwiches (or whatever we happened to be eating) extra fancy. We even practiced eating with our pinkies up and called each other "darling"!

....and we continued to practice during our Tea Party

Later, in honor of Mrs. Devine's gorgeous garden, (which Fancy Nancy paints in Aspiring Artist) we painted flowers that were taller than us!

Some of us even got to stand on chairs so that we could reach high enough to paint them!

We all put on our fantastic, glimmering, new tiaras!

And played a game of Fancy Nancy Freeze Tag. In this game, if you get don't just freeze (that would be too plain). In our game, when we get caught we STRIKE A POSE!!!

We looked quite amazing, Darling!

Other fabulous things that we enjoyed today were...

Dressing up

Playing house...
Decorating the room...
...and so much more!

We had so much fun with the boas that the floor was absolutely covered in feathers by the end of the day. At one point, one of our friends almost even became lost in a giant pile of boas...


Here is a video of our day in pictures...

Ms. Tree is certainly looking forward to another fabulous day with this incredible group of girls tomorrow!

Remember to bring your Posh Puppies!

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