Sunday, July 31, 2011

Pajama Day!

For our last day together, everyone came to camp in our pajamas!

Today's story was of course...Fancy Nancy Pajama Day!

For our morning art projects, we finished illustrating our Explorer Observation Journals from Wednesday's exciting adventure.

We also added a second layer of paint to our beautiful butterflies.

Our two new French words for today were...
Parfait (ice cream sundae)
Au revoir (good bye)

Fancy girls love to cheer! This morning, for some sleepover fun, we started teaching each other different cheers.
Here is a video that we made to share with you.
Then, we decided to play Fancy Nancy Freeze (and Strike a Pose) Tag again by popular demand.

Soon, it was time for our big event of the day.
It was time for our
Pretty Pajamas Fashion Show!!!

The audience was filled with absolutely stunning superstars anxiously awaiting to see the newest pajama fashion trends of the year.

Each model was introduced as she walked down the runway.
Here is a little of what each model wanted us to know about herself as she was introduced to her adoring fans...
Mylie is 4 and wants to teach baby monkeys to pose and climb when she grows up.
Marina is 5 and wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Ella D. is 4 and wants to be a Musketeer when she grows up.
Ellie is 5 and wants to be a princess when she grows up.
Lilly is 5 and wants to be a dog trainer when she grows up.
Saxon is 4 and wants to be 5 when she grows up.
Jenna is 4 and wants to own a restaurant when she grows up.
Ava is 4 and wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Sydney is 5 and wants to be a swimming teacher when she grows up.
Lauren is 6 3/4 and wants to be a doctor when she grows up.
Dylan is 6 1/2 and wants to be a geologist to look for crystals and research them when she grows up.
Myriam is 6 or 4 :) and wants to be a ballerina when she grows up.
Sophia is 4 and wants to be a ballet teacher when she grows up.
Ella J. is 5 and wants to be an actress when she grows up.
Callie is 4 and wants to be a lot of things when she grows up.
Evelyn is 5 1/2 and wants to be an actress when she grows up.
Chloe is 4 and wants to be a mermaid when she grows up.

Wow, what a talented group of supermodels we have!

The Fashion Show was SPECTACULAR!

The audience was left speechless and had to fan themselves to keep from fainting while watching such extraordinary pajama fashion coming down the runway on the most beautiful models ever.

After our ever so posh pajama fashion show, we reviewed and finished learning all of the favorite fancy words A-Z.
Today's words were:

Mrs Devine's Daily Etiquette Lesson was all about sleep-over etiquette.

Then, it was FINALLY time for yesterday's secret surprise to be revealed!
The big surprise was a PARFAIT PARTY!
Our parfaits were made with ice cream...
cool whip, chocolate syrup...
and sprinkles to make them extra fancy!
We even put a cherry on top!
(Parfaits were followed by another dance party!)

For our afternoon art, we created Fashion Dolls. It was our job to design the girl that we chose a fashionable outfit/ensemble to wear. After a week of learning all things fancy, our fashion girls turned out extra posh!

The treasure boxes that we painted yesterday needed a little something extra, so we bedazzled them!
Now they are fabulous!
Once our boxes were complete, we each chose a "souvenir" to put into our treasure box.
Whenever we open our box up, our souvenir will remind us of our amazing week together at Fancy Nancy camp!

Before we said Au revoir, Ms. Tree read us Fancy Nancy and the Late, Late Night.
Then, sadly, it was time for Fancy Nancy camp to come to an end.

Here is our last day together in pictures...

Thank you so much parents for allowing us to have this fabulous week together!
I've  felt so honored to watch as each girl's love for books has blossomed...
... and self confidence has SOARED!
Sweet friendships...
 ...and amazing memories have been made!

From our fabulous first day together, to...
Posh Puppy Day...
Explorer Extraordinaire Day...
Splash Day...
to our Pretty Pajama Fashion Show Day...
this experience with your amazing child has been absolutely magnifique!
Thank you so much for sharing your most valuable treasure with me...your precious little girl!

I am already counting the days until next summer's Fancy Nancy Camp!

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